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Display screen into the era of China's glass industry
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    Recently, the domestic glass industry leading enterprises in the east lumena electricity price with the market bottomed out, nearly half a month time, the company's share price to rise up to 11. 98%. On September 11, the afternoon after the announcement, the company's share price quickly pull litre, shares within 30 minutes to eight. 40 yuan, or nearly 8%.
    Announcement, from the east lumena electricity 8 billion yuan fixed scheme unconditionally approved by the SFC, the forecast subsoil in the east lumena electric glass the whole industrial chain. And, in fact, since last may, A and east lumena boe electric signed A strategic agreement that moment on, the global display industry began to enter the Chinese time. East lumena electricity created the history of China's glass industry.
    Due to the high growth, east lumena electricity in capital markets favored by researchers. A long-term follow-up researcher, said east lumena electricity east lumena electricity as the domestic glass industry leading, has been seeking business innovation and industry breakthrough opportunities. Along with the increase of smoothly, industry synergies will be more apparent, the east lumena electricity is of great significance in the industrial chain extension.
Industrial convergence speed up comprehensively
    8 billion yuan lands "boots" financing case, for east lumena electricity in the uplink cycle is a timely rain. As a result, not only the east lumena electricity the original main business will have sufficient funds to support, at the same time the company glass industry chain to make accommodation to all.
    Data shows, the east lumena electricity is the nation's largest collection of LCD glass production equipment manufacturing, technical research and development and industrialization in the integration of high-tech enterprises, is the domestic glass industry leading enterprises. Through independent research and development, the east lumena electric successfully mastered glass substrate and the substrate under 6 generation and the core of equipment manufacturing technology, break through the technical monopoly of international giant.
    As early as January, east lumena revealed the purchase plan, then proposed to include the controlling shareholder of Orient group, changjiang securities of the proposed advantages 2 directional plans, the Yangtze river irrigation 3 directional plan, kunshan development zone investment and the fly hering investment center, not more than 10 specific investors to raise equity, to raise no more than $8 billion for purchase hosting company new photoelectric, xu xu fly photoelectric the 100% stake, fifth generation TFT - LCD with color filter (CF) production line project and the added liquidity.
    As the increase of grand opera, the fifth generation of TFT - LCD with color filter (CF) production line project popular attention. According to the plan, the project investment 31. 1.6 billion yuan, the new production of 4 respectively. 50000 / month, 60000 / month three production lines and 60000 pieces/month. According to the market expected, after the project put into production, will bring the east lumena electric 19 each year. 0.8 billion yuan of sales revenue, profit after tax will be 3. 4.3 billion yuan.
For this set, east lumena electricity board secretary Gong Xin earlier in an interview with the media with confidence, "the acquisition not only solved the east lumena electricity and major shareholders in the substrate in the market competition, also more solid east lumena electricity in domestic glass industry leading position. The glass industry is a strategic industry of the national key support, has a broad market space."
    East lumena electricity that color filter production line project, not only can decide with the increase of the injected 5 generations of glass production line form the coordination effect, also for the enterprise to realize TFT - LCD industry chain extension to lay the solid foundation.
    A north China glass industry analysts pointed out that constant increase plan, implement the company shareholders high quality assets into the listed companies, follow-up development to bring new vitality to the company. At the same time, through the purchase of the introduction of outside capital, inject new sources of funds for capital market, expanding the size of the market, the investment main body, rich also to a certain extent, promote the healthy development of capital market.
Form the "troika" business layout
    In fact, in 2015 to the east is a strategic layout in lumena electricity. As of the first half of this year, the company initially formed glass products, high-end equipment manufacturing and engineering of the "troika" of urbanization business layout, mutual coordination among different business modules, to improve the east lumena electric glass product added value and core competitiveness to lay a solid foundation.
    Around the goal of "building China's optoelectronic industry flagship", east lumena electric extension product structure unceasingly, in promoting integration at the same time, the existing production line to the east lumena electricity also deep in TFT - LCD industry chain extension. Since last year, the company has in the high-end equipment manufacturing, plate glass, sapphire, the respect such as graphene frequently, the effect is remarkable.
    It is worth noting that in May last year, the east lumena electricity and downstream the biggest customer boe, signed a strategic cooperation agreement.
    The personage inside course of study thinks, from the content of the cooperation agreement, east lumena the supply of electricity has full access to the Beijing Oriental system, its glass business fully replace imported entered the stage of a major breakthrough in the strategy. This is more than a win, and docking of two different system, will promote the Chinese photovoltaic industry to accelerate the localization and global competitiveness.
    In addition, the east lumena electricity in January this year's announcement of the non-public stock plan "in 2015, in addition to the project itself market watches, the domestic panel makers subordinate company the boe fly hering appear in the set to add to the list of objects has aroused the concern of the market.
    Market observers said that the flying hering is a subsidiary of Beijing Oriental professional investment platform, will increase its shows that the domestic flat-panel display industry chain upstream and downstream are further close cooperation, China will actively promote the new type of photoelectric display industry localization process accelerating and promoting global competitiveness.
At present, the domestic production of the fifth generation of LCD panel production line 4, in addition to the deep super photoelectric color film needs a basic implementation of internal production, boe, longteng photoelectric and catic photoelectron to outsourcing color film. And downstream panel makers such as boe, longteng photoelectric directly or indirectly involved in the above will increase, will be for the east lumena fifth generation TFT - LCD with color filter (CF) production line project capacity release provide effective security market in the future.
    Obviously, the east from the boe A lumena electric signed A strategic agreement that moment on, the global era display industry began to enter China. To eastern lumena electricity to the strategic significance of the coordinated development of upstream and downstream, industry analysts believe that can lock ahead color film projects in the future market space, deepen 5, 6, generation of LCD glass substrate business cooperation, will occupy more in localization of substitute industry and market share. For panel makers such as boe, deepen cooperation with local upstream material producers, will gradually get rid of the situation of others, at the same time can further decrease the product cost, enhance the level of profit. As the upstream and downstream companies close cooperation and strategic cooperation, China photoelectric display industry is expected to achieve corner overtaking, bigger and stronger.
And it is worth mentioning, according to the east lumena electric half annual report, east lumena electricity bought last September onstar new materials co., LTD in jiangsu province are also beginning to contribution to profits. During the reporting period, jiangsu onstar revenues 0. 4.3 billion yuan, which brought the revenue east lumena new sources of growth.
    The east lumena electricity, according to the approved, non-public a-share stock will increase the company's core competitiveness, optimize the structure of company assets and liabilities, enhance the company's capital strength, enhance corporate profitability, is advantageous to the company to catch the glass substrate and the favorable opportunity of the rapid development of intelligent equipment manufacturing field, rapidly improve comprehensive strength, realize to do strongly does.
The national key support industry
    China's photovoltaic industry development wrangles, along the way will not be easy, under national policy support and capital market finally achieved a historic leap.
The expert points out, after years of technological innovation, the photoelectric display industry in China has firmly established itself as one of the world advanced level, preliminary has the voice around the world. No longer had Chinese display industry, consumer can in a more competitive price to obtain a better user experience, this should be attributed the eastern lumena electric Li Zhaoting and chairman of boe chairman wang and others.
    Three times in 12 sessions of the National People's Congress conference, premier li keqiang in his government work report said, emerging industries and emerging forms competition is high, should implement high-end equipment, new energy, new materials and other major projects, to training a batch of new industry as leading industry. The east lumena electric chairman Li Zhaoting encouraged. "Flat-panel display is after oil, steel, chemical industry, the world's fourth largest manufacturing has become a very long period of time in the present and the future economies and top priority of our economic and trade negotiation." Li Zhaoting said, as a new industry, flat display in the national economy in our country not only large volume, high contribution rate, and have the essential effect, can drive the raw materials, equipment manufacturing, electronic information, such as pillar industry development.
    For the development of the domestic flat-panel display, Li Zhaoting, said east lumena electric always upholds the concept of "building China's photovoltaic industry flagship", is now in order to enhance business glass substrate as the basis, at the same time, extend the industrial chain, and strengthen the industry consolidation, strive to form a comprehensive competitiveness of photoelectric industry cluster, to promote the flat-panel display industry upgrading.
    According to public information, in April 2013, east lumena electric directional issuance to raise capital of 5 billion yuan, all to wuhu article 10 the photoelectric flat display glass production line construction, postpartum, the company is expected to become the world's leading glass line 6 generation production base. And the injection, hosting company has 7 five generations line will also be incorporated into the enterprise, the glass industry cluster will be taking shape.
    Energy industry analysts believe that the latest increase approved, two hosting companies injection, not only makes the east lumena structure further enrich electrical products, and the company's research and development, supply chain and customer resource integration will be big." The convergence of the scale effect appeared gradually, to strengthen company of domestic glass industry leading position at the same time, will further enhance the capacity, thickening performance.
    It is important to note that in the secondary market, the non-public apply for review by the SFC had news, the company's share price quickly reflected in capital market. Previously, while China's manufacturing industry has won the title of "world factory", but at the lower end of the smiling curve, in the global industry division of labor is concentrated in the low-end processing and manufacturing link, just pick up the order processing, don't have research and development technology, no brand, make the most meager profit.
    Now the situation is changing, the personage inside course of study is bold prediction, the golden age of Chinese electronic manufacturing industry has come. China has become the global LCD TV, laptops, tablets and smartphones important production base, it is important to the consumer market. Domestic core parts and materials industry began to replace the international products, Chinese companies have already started to permeate upstream core industry.
    And for the eastern lumena electricity, refinancing plan approval may be a good opportunity.
It is understood that the next year, the market can clear expectations of east lumena electricity - according to the company previously said that before December 31, 2016, the company will Orient group, entrusted to the east lumena electricity management of yingkou photoelectric and xu hong photoelectric all equity injection east lumena electricity.
    Some analysts said, as the refinancing audit, as well as the subsequent high quality assets into will soon be on the agenda.